Thursday, March 12, 2009

It's over

Lawren's baptism was so sweet! I love her! I would keep her if I could. I even survived my talk. Ya I did shake uncontrollably and cried through the whole thing, but I am so happy it is behind me! Hopefully she will never forget her special day. She looked beautiful! I'll add a picture of her when I add the others. Thank you all for your help and prayers!!!

I am trying to be better about posting more often. I have been getting a lot of crap from family, sorry. I do have pictures of our anniversary and Tyson's birthday I need to post. Just need to find the time...


  1. So here you are! I couldn't figure out why my old link was bad... I'm sucha dork!

    Glad the talk went well!

  2. Hey you!!! I finally got you guys added to my blogroll... Can you tell Zach & Nicole to send me an invite to their fancy "members only" blog club? ;)

    Give Spence my best.. I'm flying for the first time in months on Tuesday... maybe he's working?
